Crossroads Cares

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Crossroads Cares

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Our Mission


Crossroads Cares has the privilege of being a visible expression of God’s love to millions and has done so for 40+ years. As a faith-based humanitarian relief and development organization, we have invested $48.8 million globally, responding to humanitarian crises with both short-term ‘emergency response’ and long-term ‘development projects’. Through the gifts of our partners, we have been able to give hope to the most vulnerable, provide food and water to the hungry, rescue and care for the neglected, and provide emergency aid when natural disasters strike. God cares for people through people, and by collaborating with more than 60 on-site Ministries and local NGOs, we have built trusted partnerships throughout the world.

Together, with a servant's heart, we fulfill the Bible’s directive to love our neighbour.



  • Provided essential food assistance to over 4,500 children and families during a food shortage in Kenya.
  • Delivered 24,300 pounds of food to support 300 Ugandan families displaced by flooding.
  • Offered meals and assistance to families affected by the British Columbia floods, contributing to 296 home clean-up and repair efforts.
  • Supported seven homeless shelters across Canada during the Christmas season.
  • Extended aid to over 85,500 Ukrainians, offering relief aid, transportation, and meals in response to the Russian invasion.
  • Assisted 900 Haitian families with essential earthquake relief aid.

Make a difference: Your support means transforming lives, restoring hope, and building a brighter future for countless individuals in need.


Choose a Project

Your partnership has an eternal impact. Explore a specific project to learn more about it or to designate your donation.


First People's Voices
Israel Emergency Food and Aid
Uganda Clean Water
Nigeria Mara's House
Kenya Mully Children's Homes
Rescue From Human Trafficking
Guatemala Change Her Story
Ukraine Orphan Care