Ignite Hope

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Ignite Hope

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Our Mission


Join Us in Igniting Hope Across the World

At Crossroads, we believe in the power of unity to transcend borders and transform lives. Our "Ignite Hope: Power in Unity" Vision Campaign is a call to action for anyone who believes in nurturing faith, delivering hope, and achieving collective impact where “the body” and those who need a saviour can use it most. We are seeking to raise $8.5M over the next two years.

Your Impact:

  • Sow Seeds of Faith: Your donation helps spread the Gospel message of hope and love in communities near and far.
  • Foster Unity: Support the mission of Crossroads Unity Commons—a space for both ministry and community building, where innovative projects happen in partner collaborations.
  • Drive Change: Enable us to create and share inspiring media that reveals the transforming story of Jesus, extend our global outreach, and scale our prayer networks.

How to Donate:

  • Single Gift: Make a one-time contribution to the campaign to fund immediate needs.
  • Monthly Patron: Become a cornerstone of support with a monthly commitment.
  • Legacy Giving: Invest in generations to come with a bequest or a significant legacy gift that creates a lasting impact far into the future.


Donate Now and Be a Light in the Darkness

Your partnership in the "Ignite Hope – Power in Unity" Vision Campaign is more than a donation; it’s a declaration that together, we can overcome the challenges of our times by uniting through our collective faith to achieve collective impact. Become part of the movement that’s changing the world with the message of Jesus, one heart at a time.


Or call to speak with a ministry representative: 1-800-265-3100

Your generosity is the spark that can ignite hope and keep the flame of faith burning brightly for generations to come.